Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother Day 2009

I am so grateful to be a mother to my 5 beautiful children unfortunatly I am not feeling well I have not passed my Kidney Stone and I am very drugged!!!I had not planned to go to church but Aubrey came up to me and said," Mom I am singing today in church and you don't even care" I was heart broken. I care so much for each one of my children and I wanted to show Aubrey I did care so I got ready and went to church!I am so glad I went but I did not feel well. As Aubrey sang her song she kept looking at me and she was crying I was very touched! After sacrament meeting I went home and took a nap. I want to thank my mom for feeding us dinner because I don't know what we would have had other wise. I just want to personally thank my mom for all she has done for me and for all the help she gives me! I can always count on her to listen and to support me in anything my family is doing! Thanks mom for listening and teaching me by example how to be a great mother. I also want to thank my Mother in law for all she has taught me and for her love and support to me and my family I hope all mother's have a great mother's day!!!


Michael and Rachel said...

What a horrible Mother's Day/Birthday Present! I hope you get feeling better. Let us know if there is anything we can do. We love you!